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Beverly Hills California Process Servers

Beverly Hills California Process Serving

Our Beverly Hills Process Servers 'don't take no for an answer'!  Our clients expect this this kind of dedication and professionalism, which is why they keep coming back to Amstar Express process servers for their process serving requirements, time and again!  Our network of process servers can perform process serving in any county in California. So if you''re looking for a Los Angeles Process Server or a Ventura Process Server or any county in California...we're a phone call away!


'Proweb' tracking of your Beverly Hills Process Server request is provided with this service!  Click 'here' to learn more!


Nationwide Process Serving

Just because the guy you need served, moved to New York, You've got better things to do than try and hunt down a process server you can trust to get the job done.


Did you know that a Los Angeles County Process Server or Ventura County Process Server must in most cases, serve out of state papers in a different manner as the Los Angeles Process Server or Ventura Process Server would serve a California paper?  Our staff is aware of these differences we stay informed of these nuances so our process server gets the assignment done correctly!  The same applies with California papers served in other states.


We are well connected with excellent process servers in every state. Let Amstar Express handle your out of state process serving assignments with one phone call, we will handle the rest.


Proweb' tracking of your Beverly Hills Process Server request is provided with this service!  Click 'here' to learn more!

Worldwide Process Serving

The difference between process serving laws in foreign countries and the United States is often very significant. Amstar Express is well connected to process servers specializing in the legal nuances of process serving of documents in other countries. Rest assured, our network of process server experts are doing the best job possible!


'Proweb' tracking is provided with this type of process serving at no additional charge!  Click 'here' to learn more!


What Can We Serve?

Our Beverly Hills Process Servers can serve Summons and Complaints, Summons and Petitions (Divorce Papers), Child Custody, Small Claims, Plaintiffs Claim and Order to go to Small Claims Court (SC100), Defendants Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (SC120), Subpoena for Personal Appearance, Subpoena for Records, Temporary Restraining Orders (DV-110), Order to Show Cause (OSC), Notice of Hearings, Writs of Execution, Bank Levies, Writs of Attachment, Family Law Documents, Unlawful Detainers, Wage Garnishments, Eviction Notices, 3/30 day notice to pay or quit, Order for Examination (ORAP), Out of State Papers and many others.

'Proweb' On-Line Tracking

Information when YOU need it!  With legal cases, in is far better to be 'Pro-Active' rather than re-active!  With our 'Proweb' system you can now track the status of your service of process assignments via our website, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 


This service is included with your Beverly Hills Process Server or process serving request at no additional charge to all our clients!  Click 'here' to learn more! 



Toll Free: 888-778-2711 * Fax: 805-777-1115 

Process Servers - Messenger Services

Court Services - Delivery Services

Los Angeles * San Fernando Valley * Conejo Valley * Ventura


Better Business Bureau A+ Rated & Accredited

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